Plan Smart. Build Strong.

Star Valley Medical Center

ER-OR Additions & Remodel

Hogan worked with the North Lincoln County Hospital District to renovate and expand the medical center’s offerings.

Project Success

Hogan completed the project in three phases to keep the patients safe and separated from construction, while hospital stayed up and running.

The Hogan staff have been very cooperative in helping SVMC continue virtually uninterrupted business and patient care activities during construction…Star Valley Medical Center feels that we could not have had a better team completing our project.

Mike Hunsaker

Chief Operation Officer

Star Valley Medical Center

We increased the surgery and correlating spaces to 12,500 SF!


We constructed an emergency department addition, transformed the old ER space into additional surgery rooms and constructed a canopy to cover the new emergency room doors, driveways, and outpatient surgery doors.


Project Stats


Square Feet


Year Completed

Afton, WY


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